Since the early 19th century, British anglers travelled to the River Namsen as word spread about the amazing abundance of salmon and the incredible sport on offer at this awe-inspiring natural playground.  

 British pioneers are recorded as having visited the Namsen as early as 1827 with tales told of a record 60-pound salmon catch. Carvings on the wall of the nearby Gartland Farmhouse record the names of royalty and nobility that have tested their skills here, with one carving boasting catches of 886lb (401kg) by the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough in 1891. Such notes provide a reminder of the rich history the Namsen enjoys as one of the most elegant fishing destinations in Norway.  

The Namsentunet beats consist of 28 pools over 15km of double-banked water, split into four rotations. The beats have been in the same family for nearly 600 years and for centuries have entertained royalty, dignitaries, and fly-fishing aficionados. Like most rivers in the Central Norway region, the Namsen is known for big salmon. Over this week in 2022, 25 salmon were landed, with an average weight of 14lbs and the largest weighing 28lbs.  

 The rooms at Namsentunet reflect the tranquil ambiance of the surrounding landscape and offer the highest standard of comfort, blending rustic charm, Scandinavian style, and modern amenities. Many enjoy uninterrupted views of the Namsen and the peaks and forests beyond. Food is served in the dining room each evening, prepared by head chef Kristin Hage using the finest local ingredients.  

 Suggested Package: 7 nights on full board, 6 days’ guided fishing and car hire. 



2 Oxford House, 24 Oxford Road North

London,  W4 4DH

Tel: 020 8742 1556

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